Why It’s Important to Take a Comprehensive Approach to Men's Health and Wellness

Dr Angela Servis
September 27, 2024

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose track of the important things. Men’s health is one of those topics that few people talk about - until something goes wrong. 

However, actively looking after your health and taking a comprehensive approach to general wellbeing can positively affect your happiness and future. 

In this guide, we’ll look at what a comprehensive approach to health and wellness means and how you can take steps to look after your body and mind. 

Men’s health matters 

From physical to mental and emotional health, it all matters. It’s important to mention that men face unique issues associated with their health, but women are more likely to care more about their diet and wellness (BMC). 

Between 1980 and 2020, male life expectancy continued to rise but was still significantly lower than female life expectancy (Statista). These figures show that men have something to worry about. 

Let’s take an in-depth look at why men’s health matters. 

Mental health facts 

While women are much more likely to experience mental health issues than men, it remains to be seen if this is due to a stigma about discussing their feelings. 

Research published by the BBC shows that women are more likely to suffer from depression and suicide attempts - but more men die from suicide. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) also reports that men are more likely than women to experience substance abuse disorders. 

Men’s physical health 

When it comes to physical health, men also have plenty of things to worry about. Men in the Western world are much more likely to pass away due to cardiovascular diseases, and older males have a higher risk of cancer than older females (House of Commons). 

Further research also highlights that one in five men die under the age of 65 (Police Mutual). These statistics show that physical health is an essential factor in men's overall life expectancy, but numerous conditions still contribute to reduced rates. 

In the UK, men over 40 are entitled to free health checks, and attending them can help you monitor your overall wellbeing and make vital changes.

Emotional wellbeing 

Many men fail to seek support for emotional issues until they reach a point of crisis. This could include battling depression or feeling overly stressed in general. Emotional wellbeing is just as crucial for men as women - but many men think they can’t share their problems. 

According to Men’s Health, half of all men aren’t happy with their looks, and one in four actively dislike how they look. 

Furthermore, the Mental Health Foundation states that millions of males suffer from body image issues but are less likely to be forthcoming about them than women. 

Low self-esteem can impact a male’s emotional wellbeing, increasing their risk of depression and withdrawing from seeking relationships. 

The benefits of taking a comprehensive approach to health and wellness 

Males can benefit from a comprehensive approach to health and wellness, as it diagnoses underlying issues and can result in a happier - and healthier - lifestyle. By focusing on your physical, mental and emotional state, you can enjoy the following advantages. 

Identifying health risks 

Many conditions, including cancer, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, are treatable when caught early. Unfortunately, a lot of men put off seeking specialist support, which then increases their risk of complications and even death. 

A range of blood tests and general checks enable doctors to flag and treat potential issues quickly. Doing this boosts your physical health and teaches you to take vital steps to manage diabetes and high cholesterol. 

Promoting a healthier lifestyle 

Diet and exercise are central to a healthy lifestyle, but many males don’t understand how to follow a healthy diet. Whether it’s that kebab on the way home or a full-sized pizza, eating unhealthy foods can increase your risks of obesity and other health conditions. 

The NHS recommends a balanced diet that includes proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and plenty of fibre. While this doesn’t mean you need to cut out treats, consuming everything in moderation can help you lose weight. 

Breaking down healthcare barriers 

Despite numerous changes in sociological ideals, males are still under enormous pressure to demonstrate strength and resilience. For this reason, many will avoid seeking support with their physical and mental health before the symptoms get severe. 

A comprehensive approach to health and wellness can encourage men to take control of their health in a supportive environment where they can feel empowered to make lasting changes and address their concerns. 

Boosting self-esteem 

The cosmetic surgery industry is witnessing unprecedented growth in males seeking treatments to improve their self-esteem. According to the British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons (BAAPS), there was a 118% increase in men’s cosmetic procedures in 2022.  

Standard procedures for men include rhinoplasty, liposuction and blepharoplasty (fat and skin reduction from the eyelids). However, cosmetic surgery often comes with lots of risks and an extended recovery time. 

For this reason, males seek aesthetic solutions that are less invasive but offer excellent results. Popular male treatments include removing forehead lines, jaw definition and facials to improve skin quality. 

These solutions can boost self-esteem and are more cost-effective than invasive surgical procedures. 

Empowering younger generations 

Attitudes towards gender roles have changed significantly in the last few decades, but many males still feel uncomfortable discussing their feelings and health concerns. 

If more men openly discuss their health and wellness, it might empower future generations to take charge and make informed decisions about their wellbeing. 

We talk about finding a cure for cancer and other life-threatening conditions all the time, but early detection is the cornerstone in increasing survival rates. Once more males understand the importance of health and wellness, lasting changes can happen. 

Are you ready to prioritise your health and wellness?

Phone queues with dozens of people trying to secure appointments, GP surgeries closing during the evenings, and the general inconvenience of trying to prioritise your health and wellbeing are huge reasons why many males don’t get the support they deserve. 

However, there is another way to understand what’s going on with your mind and body while still being able to live your life. The Eden Clinic specialises in men’s health, with a team of experts ready to perform the necessary tests and offer a range of treatments. 

With us on your side, you can enjoy a fuller life. Please feel free to contact us today with any questions. You can also book an appointment using our website.

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